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Mortgage calculators

Use our calculators to give you an idea about how much you can borrow and what your repayments could be

Number crunching

Using our mortgage calculators is a great way to find out what your options are. Whilst they are not the definitive answer, they do provide useful guidance as you begin to make some of those important decisions.


So take a look and see what you can do. Then pick up the phone and give us a call to discuss your plans and aspirations in more detail.  We're ready to help.

Mortgage Calculator

How much can I borrow?

Mortgage calculators provide general guidance, but are not the definitive answer. The amount you can borrow may vary and the figure provided acts guidance. Please get in touch to discuss your specific needs.

Mortgage Calculator

Mortgage repayment

Mortgage calculators provide general guidance, but are not the definitive answer. Get in touch to discuss your specific needs.

Mortgage Calculator

Stamp duty calculator

Mortgage calculators provide general guidance, but are not the definitive answer. Get in touch to discuss your specific needs.



This calculator does not take into account relief for First Time Buyers who do not pay any stamp duty on property purchases below £425,000 with further relief available for transactions up to £625,000.

Mortgage Calculator

BTL rental yield calculator

Mortgage calculators provide general guidance, but are not the definitive answer. Get in touch to discuss your specific needs.

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