We read with interest yesterday that the proportion of UK landlords who have reported a rise in tenant demand has hit a five year high. This is according to data produced by Paragon Bank who surveyed over 750 landlords.
Almost one in four of the landlords who were surveyed said that demand from renters increased over the last three months. Of those, half of them said that it had grown significantly, with the other half reporting slight increases. In total, this is an 8% rise when compared to the previous quarter and a huge 25% jump when compared to the same period in 2020.
Drilling down into specific areas, all regions across the UK witnessed a rise. Yorkshire and the Humber revealed the biggest increase, with a 65% rise in landlords reporting an increased demand. Almost half of those landlords reported a significant increase. This was closely followed by Wales, with 64%, and the South-West, with 63%.
So, with demand at an all-time high, it may well be the right time to think about becoming a landlord or, if you already are, increasing your portfolio to meet this demand. Combine this with the availability of some of the lowest mortgage rates we have seen in all our time in the market, things look pretty positive for UK landlords.
If you’d like to talk about this and find out how we can help, or any other mortgage related matter, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.